Sunday, September 12, 2010

It Begins...

Now that Pamela Hayes Classical Ballet is nearing Nutcracker Season, I have started the process of organizing, inventorying and generally brushing up on what is needed to get the costumes ready for the 2010 season.  Thank goodness for my volunteers!  Without them, I wouldn't not be able to take on the daunting task of overseeing over 300 costumes! 

It took 3 days to organize and inventory our space.  It has been a learning process to learn everyone's personalities.  From heavy recyclers, not wanting to throw anything out, to the minimalists, who want to keep nothing. Compromising all around!  But now we know where everything is and the process of washing and cleaning has begun. It starts to get exciting.  Auditions are next week, my job is to measure, measure and more measuring.  Heights especially.  Can't have the Party Girls too tall or too short for the dresses...

Next on the list is to pin down the Artistic Director as what new costumes are to be made, changes and who our Clara and SugarPlum will be.
All exciting stuff...